Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Obama, AmeriCorps and ACORN

So Obama would like to double the size of his liberal activists army to 250,000. That would give him quite the domestic army of foot solders to push any/every liberal agenda. Some of the "good works" that AmeriCorps has done to date include:

- gone door to door to recruit people for food stamps
- recruiting middle-class families to accept subsidized federal health insurance for their children
- bankrolled the Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition
- helped run a program that gave children $5 for each toy gun they brought in
- put on a puppet show to warn four-year-olds of the dangers of earthquakes
- busied themselves foisting unreliable “ultra-low-flush toilets” on poor people

In addition there are disturbing ties between AmeriCorps and ACORN. ACORN claims to be an “antipoverty” group but have been known to get caught up in voter registration fraud.

John McCain also has supported expanding AmeriCorps but he does not have the level of involvement that Obama would have nor the ties to ACORN

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